By: Deepak sharma

Sakshi Duggal Kumria is a passionate & ambitious woman who is determined for her work and is known as a renowned numerologist, Astrologer, Colour Therapist, Counsellor, Vastu consultant and an Active Social Worker

Predictions for Year 2021 – Here’s what 2021 holds for each of us – Lets find out.

It’s the time of the year to discover what your planets predict for 2021 – It’s the year of Mercury

2019 – 2+0+2+1=5 -> Number of MercuryHears an overview, few important points for each planet

Number 1 – > Born on 1st , 10th , 19th and 28th – These people are ruled by sun planet. This year is very influential in terms of personal & professional gains – Change of location , change of job , Change of designation , get married , health stability (Changes expected post April )To do- water sun.

Number 2 – > Born on 2nd , 11th , 20th and 29th – These people are ruled by Moon planet.People with these number are very ethical , passionate towards work , dedicated towards life & goals . Professional gain in 2021 , change of location / diversification of work , personal difficulty faced in 2020 will recover and be good in 2021

Number 3 – > Born on 3rd , 12th , 21st and 30th – These people are ruled by Jupiter planet.Jupiter is guru , People with these number will be able to preach & acclaim benefits – Professional benefits & personal benefits – Based on the efforts put by individual be it professional or personal it will benefit the people of these number. This is your time

Number 4 – > Born on 4th , 13th , 22nd and 31st – People of these numbers have gone thru a major evolvement phase – 2020 was a time of change – diversification of work , personal issue , 2020 year had a major impact on these numbers . 2021 will give the benefits to these number as last year the base has been set . 21st Feb onwards these numbers will be benefited Be more patient and less aggressive in 2021

Number 5 -> Born on 5th , 14th and 23rd – These people are ruled by Mercury planet.This is your year – benefit with maximum power, maximum positivity as according to numerology this planet will favour the people with the same planet This year you can expect personal happiness , peace attainment of loved ones . Caution – take care of your health – Mental peace to be taken care of – Do yoga / exercise and try to unwind.

Number 6 – > Born on 6th, 15th and 24th – These people are ruled by Venus planet.This number wants everything the best & there is no next best , Post July 2021 these number will get the materialistic benefit – 2020 they saw lot of stress in personal relationship & were misunderstood . 2021 things will stabilise and will see lot of money 2nd half of this year along with lot of travel.

Number 7 -> Born on 7th , 16th and 25th – These people are ruled by Ketu planet.People of these number are dreamers – live for others , ethics , values and emotions in life. These people need to concentrate on work life & in turn get more personal happiness. More work will be more personal happiness . Divert energy towards your work so that emotionally you are not drained.This year there is lot of travel , name and fame.Health concern – stomach related & avoid alcohol if possible.

Number 8 -> Born on 8th, 17th and 26th – These people are ruled by Saturn planet.This year will benefit people with these numbers , change of location , also have a spiritual inclination this year & change of profession which will be very profitable . Working individual looking at change of profession & location will be good for them

Wear lot of light colour – for stability in your stars this year – this is a friendly year for you.

Number 9 -> Born on 9th , 18th and 27th – What ever these numbers have gone thru in 2020 ( Personally , emotionally , mentally – Challenging Face ) Financially blessed – what ever earlier investments done will reap benefits & earn good . People looking at starting own work will happen , not married will get married , child birth . These numbers will get professional satisfaction and be very fruitful year .


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