Reporter: Deepak Sharma

Today Plrc 27th March 2022, have organised hands on workshop on Dermatology at Indian Vetexpo 2022 A p Shinde symposium hall Pusa institute , New Delhi

Dr Nagarajan from TANUVAS , Chennai is the speaker for the hands on work.

More than 45 vets participated very actively during the work shop under his guidance.
The hand on workshop covered major topics like how to take skin scrapings and biopsy, examine the slides, collect sample for cytology, examine the body, and uses of microscope for more efficient diagnosis for clinic.

This event will be followed by pet industry forum which for the first time in Indian gave an opportunity to the pet industry to come forward and join hands

With Plrc upgration and upliftment of pet industry to develop an international platform between veterinarian and industry to increase employment, export and import , improve job opportunities.
Improving and increase small industry business.


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