Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia slammed the BJP-led Central Government, opposing the decision to give more powers to the Lieutenant Governor. Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal tweeted “After being rejected by ppl of Del (8 seats in Assembly, 0 in MCD bypolls), BJP seeks to drastically curtail powers of elected govt thro a Bill in LS today. Bill is contrary to Constitution Bench judgement. We strongly condemn BJP’s unconstitutional n anti-democracy move. The Bill says- 1. For Delhi, “Govt” will mean LGThen what will elected govt do? 2. All files will go to LG.

Deputy C. M Manish Sisodia
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This is against 4.7.18 Constitution Bench judgement which said that files will not be sent to LG, elected govt will take all decisions and send copy of decision to LG”Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia said, “The BJP-led Central Government has taken an unconstitutional and undemocratic decision to curtail the powers of Delhi’s elected government.

If this one-pager bill is passed, it will be only the L-G who will be running the Delhi Government. This bill will render elections and decisions of an elected government for its people as meaningless. It would just be the L-G of Delhi, backed by the Union Government, taking decisions for the people which is highly undemocratic and against all ideals of the constitution.

”Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia quoted article 239AA or the 69th Amendment Act 1991, “Article 3a of 239AA of the Indian Constitution states that ‘subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the Legislative Assembly shall have power to make laws for the whole or any part of the National Capital Territory with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the State of List or in the Concurrent List in so far as any such matter is applicable to Union territories except matters with respect to Entries 1,2, and 18 of the State List and Entries 44, 65 and 66 of that List in so far as they relate to the said Entries 1,2,and 18.’

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia said, “This Bill will stall Delhi’s progress by giving undue powers to the L-G. All the decisions taken by the Delhi Government, for the growth of the city, have seen an intrusion by the L-G. Files regarding the progress of Mohalla Clinics, CCTV installations, free electricity, water and schools have collected dust in the L-G’s office, owing to lack of support from his office.”Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia reprimanded this undemocratic approach of the Central Government, “This approach of BJP is against the decisions of the people and the constitution in every way possible and it will stop the progress of this city.

The reason why BJP is going against the Constitution and keep L-G in power is because it does not want that the people of Delhi benefit from unique and quality provisions in education, healthcare, free water and electricity. BJP has meddled with the welfare and provisions for the people in various states that it holds power in, now it wants to ensure that the people of Delhi do not benefit from rightful provisions and initiatives of the Delhi Government.”


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