Advocate Juhi Arora who is the founder of Juhi Arora & Associates has been practicing for more than a decade in Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, and various District Courts. Juhi arora is one of the member in Advisory Board of Lloyd Law college GR. Noida sharing the bench with distinguish senior advocates like Mr. K. Venkatramanni, Ms. Geeta Luthra, Mr. Naveen Jaggi .

Advocate Juhi Arora by Live News100

She is also one of the employer of Corporate Resource Centre group of Amity law school, Noida.she is also legal panelist in ethical committee of Geneskart diagnostics a sister chain of IVF Hospitals by the name Seeds of Innocence. She has represented and got issued the notice to sports Ministry on behalf of celebrity client Para Olympian Naresh Sharma before Hon’ble High Court. She has also fought against CBSE Board to add the language Sanskrit in the books along with other advocates.

Advocate Juhi Arora by Live News100

I will also throw a light that many judgements and orders of they have been reported in DLT and various others leading newspapers. Juhi arora has an expertise of family law though taking care of all the matters civil and criminal.

More than 500 students from various college like Amity, JIMS, Symbosis, lloyd, ccs university have interned under mam down the line.She has also been awarded with National women’s excellence award India 2020 on the women’s day.Also been awarded and in the list of 101 influentencual women 2020. Also been awarded by Rising women at Inspiring women and conclave Awards’21.

She has also authored several articles, which have been published by esteemed platforms. She has also recently started a social media initiative, known as ‘Juhi arora & Associates’ where she discusses important judgments and encourages reading of case. She have come on various talk shows.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a violation of women’s human rights and a prohibited form of violence against women in many countries. Sexually harassing conduct causes devastating physical and psychological injuries to a large percentage of women in workplaces around the world.

Harassment directed against women in the workplace by their supervisors, fellow employees, or third parties interferes with the integration of women in the workforce, reinforces the subordination of women to men in society, violates women’s dignity and creates a health and safety hazard at work.

Exclusive Interview with Advocate Juhi Arora

Women’s advocates around the world work to further women’s right to be free from sexual harassment. Critical to these efforts to combat sexual harassment has been the growing recognition of sexual harassment as a form of violence against women which violates women’s human rights. States are obligated under international law to take effective steps to protect women from violence and to hold harassers and/or their employers accountable for sexual harassment in the workplace.

Inheritance rights of daughters in India

The property rights for a son and a daughter were totally different before 2005, earlier, only an un-married daughter had a right to share in the ancestral property. However, after 2005, a daughter was granted similar rights as well as duties as that of a son. A daughter has equal share of right in the ancestral property.Besides this, in a situation where the father has a self- acquired property or a separate property and he dies intestate, then the daughter who is a Class I heir will have succession rights equal to her living mother, sister, grandmother and brother.

Protection against exploitation of women and children in live-in relationships

The right of maintenance is available to wives under all personal laws in India. However, none of the religions recognises and accept live-in relationships. Since no remedy is granted to women involved in a live-in relationship, Indian Courts have widened the scope of maintenance under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Therefore, Section- 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code has been provided to give a legal right of maintenance to lady partners in or out of a marriage.

Domestic Violence

Exclusive Interview with Advocate Juhi Arora

The Domestic Violence Act was enforced as an attempt to protect women from abusive (physical, mental, verbal or economic) marital relationships. However, as per Section- 2 (f), it not only applies to a married couple, but also to a ‘relationship in nature of marriage’.Therefore, considering all this even the Supreme Court in a couple of cases has allowed live-in relationships to be covered within the ambit of the law specified.

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